
Automatyka przemysłowa



Cena promocyjna


Typ: Seria FP7

Symbol: AFP7CCRS1

Producent: Panasonic

Waga produktu: 25g

Minimalna ilość w zamówieniu: 1

Ilość produktów w opakowaniu jednostkowym: 1

Opis produktu

Part Number AFP7CCRS1
Product FP7 Add-on Cassettes
Details Communication Cassettes
Product name FP7 Add-on cassettes


Item Specifications
Interface RS-232C 1 channel
Transmission distance Max. 15 m 49.213 ft
(Note) Cable length should be no longer than 3 m 9.843 ft if communicating at a rate of 38.4 kbits/sec. or hi1gher. If you are using RS-232C wiring, shielded cable should be used to improve noise immunity.
Transmission speed 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200, 230400 bits/sec.
Communication method Half-duplex system
Synchronous method Start-stop synchronization system
Transmission format Stop bit: 1 bit / 2 bits
Parity: Invalid / Valid (Odd / Even)
Data length: 7 bits / 8 bits
Start code: with STX / without STX
End code: CR / CR + LF / None / ETX
Data transmission order Transmit from bit 0 in character units.
Number of connected units -
(Note) If mixed C-NET adapters are used, up to 32 units can be connected, but transmission speed will be limited to a maximum of 19.2 kbits/sec.
(Note) The converter SI-35 manufactured by LINE EYE Co., Ltd. is recommendable for the RS-485 at the computer side. When you use the SI-35, please adjust time after FP7 series PLC receives a command until it returns a response by a program.



Item Specifications
Ambient temperature 0 to +55 ℃ +32 to +131 ℉, Storage: -40 to +70 ℃ -40 to +158 ℉
Ambient humidity 10 to 95 % RH (at +25 ℃ +77 ℉, no condensation), Storage: 10 to 95 % RH (at +25 ℃ +77 ℉, no condensation)
Vibration resistance 5 to 8.4 Hz, single amplitude of 3.5 mm 0.138 in, 1 sweep/min. (IEC 61131-2) ; 8.4 to 150 Hz, constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, 1 sweep/min. (IEC 61131-2), 10 times each in X, Y, and Z directions
Shock resistance 147 m/s2 or more , 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions (IEC61131-2)
Noise immunity 1,000 V [p-p] with pulse width 50 ns and 1 micro s (using a noise simulator)
Operating condition Free from corrosive gasses and excessive dust



Item Specifications
Rated voltage range -
Current consumption 35 mA or less
(Note) Increased CPU unit current consumption
Net weight 25 g approx. (with terminal block)


Mimo dołożenia wszelkich starań nie gwarantujemy, że publikowane dane techniczne oraz zdjęcia nie zawierają braków lub błędów. Ponieważ ewentualne błędy nie mogą być podstawą do roszczeń, w przypadku wątpliwości prosimy przed zakupem o kontakt z handlowcem.